Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit


Joseph Dubon

Indie Developer and Educator
Reno, NV

Keep on Rocking in the Free World

There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.

Aldous Huxley

Joseph Dubon is an independent full-stack software developer and educator based in Reno, Nevada - famously known as the 'Biggest Little City in The World'. With a passion for creating and learning, Joseph spends his free time exploring art, film, and music. He enjoys expressing his creativity through photography, music, journaling, and filming.

As a licensed teacher in the state of Nevada, Joseph is an advocate for mindfulness and promoting a trauma-sensitive classroom. He believes in fostering an inclusive and compassionate learning environment that empowers students to achieve their full potential.

Joseph is a proud father of two gifted and talented children who inspire him to continue growing and learning every day. Whether behind a keyboard or in the classroom, Joseph is dedicated to making a positive impact in the world around him.